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Caissa Public Strategy

Safeguarding Community from Undesirable Business

The project

Community members wanted to stop a proposed sexually oriented business from opening in their neighborhood.

The work

We developed and managed an initiative to stop an adult entertainment establishment from opening. To ensure success, new laws needed to be developed on a city, county and state level. Over the course of the campaign we built a coalition of twenty-three neighborhood groups and a number of local community groups together to push for a new law restricting sexually oriented business. The new law was brought to the State legislature, County Commission and City Council. Our role in this campaign included strategic planning, research, conducting weekly community meetings with affected individuals and groups, gaining support from other areas of the County, organizing and hosting community forums, lobbying various legislative bodies and media relations.

The results

The location was barred from opening a sexually oriented business. Additionally, more stringent sexually oriented business laws were instituted at the state and local levels.

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